Saturday, May 15, 2010

1612, Pitcher Plants and Summer Toes!

Here is 1612

Aren't these pitcher plants cool! They are water plants, I've wanted a little pond in the back yard, but until then, I made my own small water container.

My poor ankle is still kinda deformed but it is attached and working so it's all good! I love warm weather~flip flops or barefoot~ Yay!

It has been kinda crazy around here~lots of kids comings and goings. I did get a few things accomplished though~ Sent a new design to Carmen to work her magic on.

Sent The Olde Settlement to Carol to work her magic on!

I'm working on a limited kit for St. Charles called The Halloween Garden. It is a big investment going to market and I want to say thanks to the shops who attend.

Hoodoo Voodoo Sampler is done in my head, now to get in on pattern maker!
Also I am doing a weird plant alphabet thing~The Wicked Series.


  1. Really COOL blog. I'm soooo glad I found it. Love the sampler.


  2. Cool! Love the new design! Your poor ankle. :( My ankle used to swell after my broken leg. Same one too. Bleagh! Enjoy the summer toes! And the water garden -- that is one cool plant!

  3. 1612 is awesome! Cool water garden and don't you just love colorfully painted toes in the summer!

    Can't wait to see your new designs!

  4. Love 1612 and can't wait to see all your other goodies!!

    Your water garden is nice - I've never thought about doing one of those.

    Ankles can be so finicky once they've been hurt - but like you said, "It's working" - and your toes rock!

  5. being a New Orleans Girl ... I can't wait to see the Hoodoo Voodoo sampler!

  6. Can't wait to see your new designs...they sound pretty spooky! My son would love your water garden, it's his dream to have one...keep stitching! 1612 is cool with a capital CCCCC

  7. OMG I need that design!! I have become hooked on headstone designs and am looking forward to your new designs hun!!

  8. I LOVE it!! Great new design, and I can't wait to see the new stuff, too. Love the summer toes. :) I need to shave the winter pelt off my legs and get my scary toes ready for some sandal weather... it's going to be in the 70s later this week.

  9. Wow -- fun finish, fun plants, and fun toes!! Have a great week!!

  10. Lisa,
    Just wondering if you offer the chart that is stitched down by your feet on your blog page. A little witch, tree, basket?? Please let me know ~ I love it. I checked your web site but didn't see it. Thanks much. Love your flowers, too.

  11. Thanks everyone!
    The stitched piece by my feet is a freebie. e-mail me at

  12. Lisa-I love 1612! Your poor ankle. Are you still having any pain from it? Flip flops, my only shoes unless I am forced to wear real shoes.
