OK, I love horses! I have since I was a little girl (I got this from my mom who also loved and owned a horse growing up) I had one too! Until I graduated from HS.
Well a friend took me riding a week ago Saturday. We went to Malabar Farms and it was truly gorgeous! The weather was perfect, we rode all afternoon, towards the end of the ride I had decided I was getting another horse one way or another. We were almost back to the horse trailer when my beautiful horse~Rain~first stumbled, then spooked from a deer, off I went, but not before tangling my right foot in the stirrup. Well, we were on a trail and it took the park rangers with EMS about 30 minutes to find us. Anita had a cell phone (I am so thankful!)Talk about feeling foolish! I had about 10 people looking down on me, an EMT starting an IV, as I sit on the ground covered in weeds. Then they splinted my ankle which was kinda just hanging there, load me on a stretcher and pop me into the back of a 4 wheel drive to get to the ambulance. So that night I had a 2 1/2 hour surgery. I am now the proud owner of 8 pins, a couple screws and a plate all covered with a cast. I went home last Sunday with instructions to elevate toes above nose every 45 min for 10 days, no weight bearing for 6 weeks followed by a boot for 5 weeks.
So, I am trying to look on the bright side~~more time to read, stitch, and design!! The first week really went by in a fog, due in large part to the pain meds I was on.
I'm feeling better and almost have a design finished! I also am about done with a small booklet of designs "Her Wicked Best" Anyhoo, thanks for listening. and looking at my pics. I am still determined to get a horse, however, I will ALWAYS wear boots when riding!! Back to the Dr tomorrow to get a new cast. I am so looking forward to getting outside! Really, the things we take for granted....