I love perennials and herbs! you buy a little pot, plant it and each year you are blessed with more than the year before. I've been dodging the rain drops and have been dividing my plants and replanting them.

I'm trying to get the thyme to grow all around my stone trough. It smells so good! I'm also severly computer challenged and cannot figure out how to get the text where I want it! Sorry!

I've divided these wild geraniums several times, I've been transplanting them to different parts of the yard.

It smells so wonderful outside right now with the lilacs and lily of the valley blooming!

On the design front, I have 2 new things finished~~
First up is a tombstone one called 1612. This is in memory of the Pendle Witches.
I've been reading a good book on that subject~

The second is called The Olde Settlement.
Neither are stitched yet, stay tuned!
Thanks for stopping by~~