Here is 1612

Aren't these pitcher plants cool! They are water plants, I've wanted a little pond in the back yard, but until then, I made my own small water container.

My poor ankle is still kinda deformed but it is attached and working so it's all good! I love warm weather~flip flops or barefoot~ Yay!
It has been kinda crazy around here~lots of kids comings and goings. I did get a few things accomplished though~ Sent a new design to Carmen to work her magic on.
Sent The Olde Settlement to Carol to work her magic on!
I'm working on a limited kit for St. Charles called The Halloween Garden. It is a big investment going to market and I want to say thanks to the shops who attend.
Hoodoo Voodoo Sampler is done in my head, now to get in on pattern maker!
Also I am doing a weird plant alphabet thing~The Wicked Series.